
How to filter Application Explorer?

We always use filtering in Application explorer to search for elements inside AOT but there are a lot of  useful regular expressions that we can use to help us in finding what we are looking for faster. And in this article, I'm going to show you the different things you can do while filtering in your D365FO development environment. Normal search: If we simply type CustTable, we are going to get all elements that contains the word "CustTable". Whether CustTable is at the beginning, mid or end of the word Begins with If we want to filter for all elements that begins with "CustTable", then we can use ^CustTable Ends with If we want to filter for all elements that ends with "CustTable", then we can use CustTable$ Exactly If we want to filter for elements that exactly contains the word CustTable, then we can use ^CustTable$. Where "^" means it starts with and "$" means it ends with

How to apply database backup from LCS to your D365FO DevBox environment?

Do you want to update your devBox with the latest data from another environment? In this article, we are going to talk about how to apply a database back-up (.bak file) from LCS to your D365FO DevBox environment. Log in to your DevBox where you want to apply the DB back up Sign in to LCS Select the project that has the DB back-up you want to apply Click on the burger icon and choose Asset Library Click on "Database backup" then choose the database backup you want to download and click on it. The download will start for the backup file of type (.bak)  I saved this file in my devBox in J drive, under a new folder called LCS backup Before proceeding, It's better to close Visual studio and stop the following services: DMF, Batch, Management reporter and SQL reporting services. Open "Microsoft SQL server management studio" and click connect Expand the "databases" node in object explorer, and choose AxDB Before applying the new DB b

How to authenticate with D365FO using Postman?

Let's say you are asked to call a certain custom service API in D365FO or maybe call an OData endpoint. To be able to do that, you first need to authenticate. So in this article, I'm going to show you how to do that via Postman:   First you need to make sure that the ClientId is defined in D365FO environment. Go to System Administration - Setup - Azure Active Directory Applications In order to get this clientId, sign in to Go to App registrations and choose your application, where you can find the ClientId In order to get the client secret, click on your app, go to "Certificates & secrets" and take the secret value. Or contact your admin to give you the values

How to create App Registration in Azure?

In this article, we will describe how to register an application in Azure Active Directory and define it in D365FO environments, in order for external systems authenticate with D365FO and access data. Sign in to azure portal Click on "App registrations" or search for it Click on "New registration" Fill "Name" and choose "Accounts in this organizational directory only", then click "Register" The app registration will created. Take note of the client Id, as you are going to define it inside D365FO.

How to update D365FO environments to a new Microsoft version?

In this article, I will show you how to update your D365FO environment from version 10.0.34 to version 10.0.37 (the steps should be somehow similar when updating to any new version). Make sure the visual studio in your devBox is closed (I would recommend closing it from task manager because sometimes you will get errors that it is opened, even though you closed it). There is a pre-requisite to install VC++ runTime in your devBox before starting with the update. And after you install it, you need to restart your devBox.    New VC++ runtime requirement for cloud-hosted environments running version 10.0.36 or later - Finance & Operations | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn

How to create a new D365FO cloud-hosted environment?

In Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle services (LCS), there is a tool called "Cloud-hosted environments" that allows you to deploy D365FO environments on Microsoft Azure. And here are the steps to create a new environment for the first time: Sign in to LCS ( ) by filling your email and password Create a new Finance and Operations project (if needed). In case the option "Finance and Operations" is not available, then Microsoft should be contacted. Also choose the purpose of this project.